RAMARI TAUROA-TIBBLE: Featured New Zealand Artist: ArterNet Art 28, 2021
Ramari Tauroa-Tibble: ‘Founding ArterNet Art Member’ — ‘FAM’
An ArterNet Art Feature Interview with Ramari Tauroa-Tibble:
A common route for a lot of artists, to a life of art, has been through a family member. Ramari shares how it was due to her father that she has chosen this path:
‘My Father being Maori influenced my earlier works,
as I used the koru design for the basis of my Maori designed paintings’
ArterNet Art: What was your route to becoming an artist?
Ramari: About 2 ½ years ago I realised I had a passion for painting and that’s when it became serious. I am self-taught but have purchased a seascape painting course since becoming serious.
ArterNet Art: What or who were your early influences?
Ramari: I dabbled with oils about 20 years ago and painted a picture for my Father.
When he passed, I used painting to help me with my grief, but it was still intermittently and only for family and friends.
ArterNet Art: How has your life/upbringing influenced your work?
Ramari: My Father being Maori influenced my earlier works as I used the koru design for the basis of my Maori designed paintings.
ArterNet Art: What was it about the medium that you’ve chosen, that attracted you?
Ramari: I love working with both oil and acrylic, I do a lot more in acrylic now as I really like the faster drying times and non-solvent clean up.
ArterNet Art: How was your imagination captured?
Ramari: I love the beauty we are surrounded with and that is what inspires my art.
ArterNet Art: Tell us about your process from conception to creation
Ramari: I am still learning about process, but most of my art now comes from imagination, so I paint and see what turns up and then use that to add more.
ArterNet Art: Where does your inspiration come from mainly?
Ramari: My inspiration comes from the beauty of our land and skies; Papatuanuku who is Mother Earth and Ranginui the skies and heavens.
ArterNet Art: Tell us about a piece of your work that holds particularly fond memories and why?
Ramari: ‘Manaia — The Guardian’ — I designed him and for me he is our Guardian and the balance between sea, sky and land.
ArterNet Art: How has your work developed since you began and how do you see it evolving in the future?
Ramari: I have developed from painting from photos and making the painting look as close to the photo as possible to now being freer and a lot looser and painting in an impressionistic style.
ArterNet Art: What advice would you give to an aspiring new artist?
Ramari: I would say, “you can do it, give yourself time, don’t beat yourself up, watch all you can of people painting on YouTube. Take a course if you can and paint everyday.
ArterNet Art: Is there anything in particular that inspires you to create art?
Ramari: Nature!
ArterNet Art: What has been your favourite or most memorable art sale?
Ramari: My first painting I ever sold. It now lives in Australia.
ArterNet Art: How has your arts business/career changed over the past 6 months?
Ramari: My evolving in the way I paint now, but I am only just getting setup for an art business.
ArterNet Art: Thank you Ramari for taking the time for our interview. We wish you all the best for your success and future with us.
You can see more of Ramari’s work here:
Ramari is a ‘Founding ArterNet Art Member’
ArterNet Art — Online Art Gallery is now in development Stage Two, which is only open for artists to register with us at present. Learn how you can be a featured artist.
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