World Famous on ArterNet Art’ — Linda Lieffers — is our Featured Guest Artist

Averil ArterNet Art
8 min readNov 29, 2021


Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

‘Coral Reef’ Mixed Medium/Oil 58” x 58”

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers: Linda Lieffers

Today we’re talking to the effervescent artist Linda Lieffers on

‘World Famous on ArterNet Art’.

Linda comes from a background of Interior Design & Art. She began painting to fulfil her constant need and desire to be creative and to live a more challenged life.

A wife and the mother of two incredible daughters, she left the cold prairie winters of Canada behind, and say’s she’s been most fortunate to reside in Mexico for the last 18 years.

Natural elements, such as the vast ocean, endless skies, incoming hurricanes all feed her imagination and works into all of her art.
ArterNet Art:

WOW, Linda, it sounds like paradise where you are living now. Thanks so much for your time today. As artists, we love these rare insights into other artists lives. Reading their stories helps us with our own daily challenges — to know others have had their trials and have succeeded, is very uplifting.

The culture of our company here at ArterNet Art — ANA, is to put a human face to all our members and guest artists. Part of our approach is to give our artist members the opportunity to meet recognised artists — to learn more about how they became the well-known artist we see today.

So without further ado: Linda, Can you give our readers an idea of your route to becoming an artist?

Linda: I have always loved being creative and from a young age I was always dabbling with crayons, paints and clay. The only class I ever faithfully attended in high school was art so that tells you something. In 2018 I was feeling burned out from flipping houses and decided to take a year off and try my hand at painting. All I did was paint, eat and sleep and relentlessly tried different techniques. I also studied the paintings of Hessam, an Iranian artist who I deeply admire for his amazing use of vibrant colors.

Well, the rest is history as I embarked on this new journey of ART!

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

‘Dances at Sunset’ 30" x 48" — with little Stewie
ArterNet Art: Have you had to overcome any difficulties or major hurdles on your journey to becoming the successful, established artist we see today?

Linda: I found the biggest hurdle to overcome has been rejection at the beginning.

A lot of “no’s” can’t stop your determination to find a niche as an artist in today’s art scene. I have learned not to take this to heart and remained focused on creating each and every day. No particular artwork is a complete failure, as I learn something each time I step up to my easel.

I relish the challenges and obstacles presented when creating art and refuse to give up until I perceive something as worthy.

ArterNet Art: What was it about the medium you’ve chosen that attracted you?

Linda: I start all my abstract pieces first with a quick composition of acrylic paint and then move onto oil. I find that oil paint creates a much more vibrant and bold jolt of color. Intense color is what I strive for in my paintings.

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ArterNet Art: Do you have a daily routine? Has it always been this way and can you tell our readers how it looks.

Linda: I start each day quite early and I am usually up and at it by 5:30 a.m.

A must is always a steaming cup of coffee while attending to my Instagram account and emails.

Next is a daily ritual of feeding the birds with home made rice followed by attending to the stray cats living outside our walled property. I try to stay very disciplined and get into the studio by 9:00am and work until 2:00pm 5 days a week.

Being a wife and a mother also is very important so afternoons are spent taking care of my casa and family’s needs, playing with the dogs and getting dinner on plus a swim in the pool.

ArterNet Art: Can you share some techniques and insights into your process from conception to creation

Linda: Before approaching a new artwork I get ideas in my mind and actually see colors. I am not sure how this happens, but I just roll with these initial thoughts and away I go.

I start all my preliminary compositions with acrylics, as I like the fast drying time and can easily and quickly get a firm foundation down.

I then proceed with oil pigment and build up layers of colors by blending.

I strive for contrast in my paintings so I usually end with some edgy palette knife marks.

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

At Work in the Studio

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

Work in progress

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

At Work in the Studio

ArterNet Art: How has your work developed since you began and how do you see it evolving in the future?

Linda: Great question…I started off rather weak and not really knowing what my style was.

It was very difficult to find my own voice as an artist and at times thought it may never happen. Then about a year and a half into painting I created two pieces of artwork spontaneously that had very similar qualities.

At last I had found something that worked and was all me.

ArterNet Art: Is there anything in particular that inspires you to create art?

Linda: Living here in Mexico is truly an inspiration everyday waking up to all the amazing colors this country beholds.

From our magical, pink sunsets, the glistening blue ocean waters to even the nasty hurricanes that come our way are all so truly inspiring.

ArterNet Art: Sounds awesome! What has been your favourite or most memorable art sale?

Linda: I would have to say getting my artwork into a prominent New York city gallery has been my best achievement to date.

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

Hint of Morning 48” x 48”

ArterNet Art: How were you and your business impacted by Covid-19? Has much changed since that time?

Linda: Lucky for me Covid did not present a challenge to my art business as I have a home studio plus so much of my art is sold internationally online. I felt nothing changed for me.

ArterNet Art: Do you have any hobbies, sports or interests other than art?

Linda: Of course interior design always interests me and I love flea market shopping. I am a very good cook and such a lover of animals.

My dogs play a significant role in my life.

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

Mother’s helperArterNet Art: What plans and goals do you have for the future, both creatively and personal?

Linda: My goals are always backed by my passion. Whatever brings me much happiness usually ends up being profitable.

I have been very fortunate that work and play are always about things that excite me so I never feel like life is a lot of work.

I wake up everyday so excited about what lies ahead and feel very lucky to have a life that I don’t need to take a vacation from.

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ArterNet Art: Going back to when you first started out and knowing what you know now, what would you do differently and what advice would you give to an aspiring new artist?

Linda: I wouldn’t change a thing, even all the “No’s” I heard at the start, as I don’t think I was ready yet.

Slowly building up confidence and bettering yourself as an artist by a lot of trial and error is something I think we all need to go through.

When you are ready the situation will present itself.

Don’t rush the process.

After building up some worthy artwork I felt comfortable with showing I decided it was my time to approach local stores as well as local and international interior designers.

You must work it, reach out and continue to do so everyday.

Things just don’t fall into your lap by any means and in this crowded business you have to speak out in order to get noticed.

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

Summer Rays 50” W x 59” L Oil
ArterNet Art: That’s great advise Linda, also for our new artists, can you share some tips on how you marketed yourself, when you first started out. What are two or three things you tried that worked amazingly well?

Linda: I suggest starting local and reaching out to people close by with the product you have to offer.

Chin up to the idea you will receive rejection — but by no means let that effect your determination.

Get on one or two online platforms where you faithfully post and build relationships. I haven’t had much luck selling with online galleries — as I feel like a needle in the haystack but Hey, it works too.

Stay focused and determined and your dreams can become a reality.

Work it relentlessly!

ArterNet Art: Do you have any quotes you live by or practice?

Linda: Doing What you love is freedom, Loving what you do is happiness!

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

Bubble Gum 36” x36” Acrylic

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

And the last word from Stewie-

No — not available for comment!

Thanks Linda, it was great to get a taste of life in Mexico.
Discover more about Linda, her studio helpers and her work by following her links:


Follow her on Instagram:

Image supplied by Linda Lieffers:

A gorgeous collection of colour. Well done Linda.


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Averil ArterNet Art

Founder and CEO: ArterNet Art - Online Art Gallery and Artist Exhibition Space.